AML-17-052 - ez1081-500 Full Kit -  (500 series Class A/B Mic/Line/EQ)AML-17-052 - ez1081-500 Full Kit - (500 series Class A/B Mic/Line/EQ)
ez1081-500 Full kit - (500 series Class A/B Mic/Line Amplifier / Equaliser)


All the parts required to make a complete unit.

All hardware, chassis, PCB's, resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors, heatsinks etc etc.... everything !

for a single channel ez1081-500 project.
[paste the link above into your browser]

Parts for multiple kits will be consolidated.

Lead times may apply.
"Click Here" for PCB build instructions;
(1 item) £569.95 each (Ex.VAT)
£529.95 each (Ex.VAT)

£524.95 each (Ex.VAT)

